Frequently Asked Questions

International Delegations

Q: Will there be any additional support for international delegates and delegations? 

A: OxfordMUN Canada has a dedicated staff member to assist international delegations with visa-related support. We also have translation services available in French, Chinese, and Korean, and other languages upon request. To access additional support, please contact

Conference Details

  • Model United Nations is a student simulation of the United Nations. Students are assigned countries (or characters) and are tasked with solving some of the world’s most pressing issues.

  • OxfordMUN Canada is OxfordMUN’s first North American conference. Most major international conferences, once hitting capacity in their home conferences, expand abroad to give more students the chance to participate in their competition. These international divisions are typically known as “periphery conferences”.

  • The conference will take place from April 18th to April 20th, 2025, in downtown Toronto at the Westin Harbour Castle. The Westin Harbour Castle is a four-star hotel venue with a wide assortment of amenities, a Michelin-star restaurant, and breathtaking conference rooms where delegates will participate in Model UN debates. Further information regarding hotel pricing can be found here:

  • OxfordMUN Canada is primarily intended for high school students and CEGEP students. However, OxfordMUN Canada will allow students younger than high school to register on a case-by-case basis. Students not in high school or CEGEP will not be permitted to attend OxfordMUN Canada.

  • We aim to maintain a professional atmosphere during OxfordMUN Canada 2025; the dress code is thereby Western business casual, and all delegates are expected to meet this requirement. However, for crisis committees, we encourage delegates to dress in a way that is appropriate for the circumstances and storyline of their specific committee. Additional details and specifics can be found in the delegate handbook.

  • For committee assignments, please contact

    For questions regarding committee content (once background guides are released), please contact

  • OxfordMUN Canada will provide delegations with a committee preference form (late January) which allows delegations to request a certain number of spots per committee. Once OxfordMUN Canada has sent assignments to delegations, they will be responsible for allocating positions to their students.

  • It should be made clear that no university in the world is directly affiliated with a Model UN conference. All affiliations are indirect and university names typically refer to the students that are running the conference. OxfordMUN and their periphery conferences are run by students from Oxford University through a social-enterprise called Oxford Global. OxfordMUN is the largest MUN conference in the United Kingdom, and is the only high school conference at Oxford University.

  • No, but as per government regulation, an adult must be present at check-in. If you’d like to make a hotel booking without any adults in the room, please contact for further assistance.

  • Yes, all individuals must sign liability waivers and media release forms to participate in OxfordMUN Canada.


  • All delegates can register and pay here:

  • OxfordMUN Canada currently costs $110 for independent delegates, and $95 per student for group delegations.

  • Yes, all students are free to register on their own. Please note that these types of students are referred to as “independent delegates”.

  • Delegates are not required to stay at the hotel. It is still however highly recommended to consider staying at the hotel because it often enhances the Model UN experience and provides greater immersion for activities like the midnight crisis.

  • OxfordMUN Canada does not provide refunds.

  • Yes! OxfordMUN Canada has the most broad financial aid policy of all major conferences in Canada, and all students below the Canadian Low-Income Cut-Off line are eligible for free admission. Students can apply here:

  • Financial aid does not cover food, travel, or hotel, and only covers the delegate registration fee.

  • An advisor or guardian is not required for delegates to attend the conference, however they are required to sign liability waivers and media release forms in advance in order for a student to participate.

  • Only students that are a part of a delegation (of at least 5 members) will be assigned slots in the Berkeley committees. This is to manage demand for the limited number of spots available in the BMUN committees.


  • All awards at OxfordMUN Canada are proportional to the number of registered attendees. The smallest committee will have at least 1 Best Delegate, 1 Outstanding Delegate, and 1 Honourable Mention. Additional outstanding delegate and honourable mention awards will be handed out to larger committees but please note there will only be 1 Best Delegate per committee.

  • Yes, Position Papers are mandatory to be eligible for awards. Requirements, guidelines and details about position papers will be released at a later date. Please submit position papers by Friday, April 11th, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST.

  •  OxfordMUN Canada will feature delegation awards, which will be split into two categories: national and international delegations. Delegations from Canada will only be eligible for the national delegation awards, while international teams will be competing for the international delegation award. For OxfordMUN Canada, there will be no specific category for “small” and “large” delegations. Instead, There will be an honourable, outstanding and best delegation award in both categories. 

  •  Delegates will not be penalized in any way if they are unable to attend the midnight crisis committee session. However, we highly recommend that all delegates attend midnight crisis for a full conference experience. 


  • All early registrants will receive access to 24 hours of live, virtual MUN training seminars hosted by Oxford Global, OxfordMUN Canada ASGs, and the LinkedKey Company.

    Background guides, rules of procedure documents, and academic integrity documents will be released in February.

  • The live workshops are free for anyone who is early registered for OxfordMUN Canada 2025. Students who register later will receive a recording the seminar (but without the opportunity to ask questions)

  • Please contact for all general inquiries.

  • LinkedKey is an after school enrichment and tutoring center in the Greater Toronto Area. LinkedKey’s charity arm, the LinkedKey Foundation, is the local partner of OxfordMUN Canada, and is assisting in the development of the conference.


  • General Assembly (GA):

    The General Assembly is the main deliberative body of the United Nations. In GA committees, participants represent countries and debate various topics. The focus is on diplomacy, negotiation, and consensus-building, with formal debates and structured resolutions.

    Specialized Agencies (SA):

    These committees focus on specific areas of international cooperation, such as the African Union. Here, delegates will dive deeper into technical and specialized topics related to their assigned agency, focusing on specific policies, operations, and international collaboration within that field.

    Crisis committees:

    Crisis committees simulate real-time events where delegates have to react to unfolding situations. In these committees, delegates take on the roles of specific characters as key decision-makers. The focus is on rapid decision-making, negotiation, strategic thinking, and problem-solving in dynamic and unpredictable environments. 

  • OxfordMUN Canada is a technology-free conference where students will not be allowed to use technology in committee and all documents will be written by hand. We have this policy to both encourage more students to focus/participate in the debate as well as prevent students from bringing pre-written resolutions to committee.

  • Yes, delegates will be allowed to discuss committee matters and conduct research outside of committee sessions. However, we strictly forbid the prewriting of resolutions outside of the committee and emphasize that major committee decisions should stay inside the committee, rather than be discussed outside. All written documents will be handed to the chair before leaving the committee.

  • Delegate assignments are tentatively scheduled to be released in early February. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact us at

  • OxfordMUN Canada will follow a modified version of the OxfordMUN UK rules of procedure. This custom tailored ROP will use elements of both the Canadian and UK circuits. More information will be released early February.

  • OxfordMUN Canada is highly committed to protecting and preserving the integrity of Model UN competition. We have a series of measures in place to ensure consistent assessment of students, transparent awards criteria, and mechanisms to tackle cheating/collusion. More information regarding our policies will be released at the end of February.

Faculty Advisors

  • As long as registration is open, delegations are allowed to increase the number of students that will attend. However, delegations will not be able to reduce the size of their teams once payment is received.

  • Throughout the conference, faculty advisors will have access to the Anishinaabe Luxury Suite as a dedicated faculty advisor lounge. The lounge will serve snacks and coffee throughout the weekend, and there will be a cocktail reception during the delegate gala.

  • Faculty advisors can sign up here:

  • There are no minimums or maximums, but the delegation discount only applies to delegations that have at least 5 students.

  • Chairs will be provided in every room for faculty advisors and parents to observe the committees. Please be advised that faculty advisors are only permitted to take videos and photos of their students and not other students.